How to Register/Lodge Complaint in Consumer Court (India)?

There was a time when you thinking about lodging complaint to consumer court then you had to think about the several things such as hiring a lawyer, their fees, time etc. but now a days the Indian govt. has made it very simple for consumers to lodge complaint. A complaint can be filed against any registered brand or service provider. The online complaint system has a dropdown menu of sectors, segments and brands, which includes all brands registered with the Department of Consumer Affairs.

Points to Note Before Lodging Complaint in Consumer Court India:

  • Multiple complaints can be filed using the same log in credentials and can be tracked online once registered.
  • The messages sent to the brand and consumer are also available for viewing to track progress.
  • Complaints can be filed in both Hindi and English.
  • It's not necessary to hire a lawyer to lodge complaint, if you know about the whole process then you can doo all by yourself.
  • It's govt work which usually takes some time, but once you decided to move further then you don't need to worry about anything.
  • If some brand / company / service providers etc. has charged you did something wrong with you? You can always lodge complaint against them.
  • There's only a very small fee when you lodge complaint even that fee can be recovered once you successfully lodge complaint.
  • The only everything you need is, proofs, invoice/bills etc. and to write the complaint into the correct format required by the Department of Consumer Affairs India.
  • Once you decided to lodge a complaint, just learn about everything and most importantly the correct for mat of document which you'll have to submit to court.
  • Don't bother to search websites where you can lodge complaint online or pay some websites to do that. Just, prepare the document and submit into the nearby State Consumer Redressal Forum. 
  • If you're still thinking about to get some help from online or pay anyone, just pay for the document format of the complaint and rest you don't need anything.

You don't even a lawyer for that, all you need to know is what is the process, how to get it done, format etc. If you're familiar with all of this whole process? Then, it'll be pretty easy but the questions is how to actually lodge complaint in consumer court India?

First of all, a lot of people think about or try searching on Google about how to lodge complaint in consumer court online. But the fact is, there's no such process to lodge the complaint online or by any website. There are some websites who promise to lodge complaint behalf of complainant but we're not sure if they're trustworthy and even no one know whether they'll submit the complaint by taking a fees which they ask to pay in advance. So, if you're thinking about to lodge your complaint by some online company, make sure that that're legit and they'll do whatever they promise to do after taking the fees from you. Instead, it's better to hire a lawyer then to pay some websites online to lodge their complaint cause you can ask the lawyer if they didn't do anything but once you pay to any website then there's no suety they'll lodge complaint or even respond to you once they get the advance fee. 

It's always the best that you lodge complaint by yourself or hire some lawyer to do that but if you know about the whole process then you erven don't need a lawyer for that. No matter you submit any kind of complaints, applications, forms or anything, there's always a process and then the format of the document which you'll submit. The consumer court has the same process, where you'll have to prepare a document of your complaint according o their format by the Indian court.

Eligible Criteria:

  1. Only a consumer can lodge complaint but to do that, he/she needs to fulfil two things. 1) The consumer has paid money to purchase products or avail of services in exchange of money. 2) The person has purchased the product for personal use only and not for resale purpose.
  2. A registered voluntary consumer association under the Companies Act or other law.
  3. The Government, be it central or state.
  4. Consumers with the same interest.
  5. A legal heir or relative of a deceased consumer.
  6. A complaint is a written allegation and thus, the complainant must fall under the definition of a consumer.

Steps to File a Case in the Consumer Court:

  1. First you should've all the proof to show against the opposite party (Person/business/services provider) in court such as invoice etc.
  2. Before you lodge complaint, you should've ask the the opposite party for last time if they can agree to make any kind of adjustment to fulfil your needs. Send them the warning in written (Via text messages, social media, WhatsApp etc.) and get a copy of that conversation to submit into court if they don't agree to fulfil your demands.
  3. If the seller or service provider is not ready to offer compensation, a formal complaint is lodged under Consumer Protection and you don't need any lawyer to do that but must include the details such as 1) Name, address, and description of both the parties (Complainant and opposite party). 2) Cause of action, approximate date, time, and place. 3) Relevant causes behind the action. 4) The compensation or remedy claimed by the consumer. 5) Signature/self attested affidavit of the complainant or authorized lawyer. 6) Required documents such as invoice/slips/bill, proofs, conversations etc.

Procedure to approach the District Redressal Forum:

  1. Write complaint using the MS Word or from the nearby cyber café who'll help you to write and get you printouts of the documents.
  2. Once you get the format idea (SEE AT THE END OF THIS ARTCILE IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA OF COMPLAINT FORMAT), prepare index page first, then write down your complaint, again write your complaint as self attested affidavit, attach at the relevant documents.
  3. Print all the documents, first get print of only 1 copy and verify from the consumer court office that you've prepared the complaint into correct format or not or if you missed anything.
  4. Once they confirmed that the format is correct then create 4-5 copies of each and submit to court along with the court fee (Taken by demand draft).
  5. The Court Fee will be addressed by the consumer court employee.
  6. Basically, it's a quite simple process to lodge complaint but you should also check the T&C and other info from
  7. Once you submit the complaint file, any of the consumer court office employee will guide to the further process. 
This is the whole process of how you can lodge complaint in consumer court, if you really have all the documents/proofs and if you're sure that the opposite parry has violated any law as per the Consumer Protection Act India, then you should definitely do this to get the necessary compensation. Again, it's quite easy to lodge complaint, you don't need to expert on this or you don't need to hire any lawyer, the only important thing is that you should know the correct format of the complaint which you'll submit to court. If you know about the correct format, that's only thing you need to know but keep in mind that's the only important thing that means your complaint can be rejected if you've submitted into the wrong format or missed out anything in the complaint document.

If you don't know about the format of complaint, if you don't have any idea about what to mention in the complaint? 
You can then simply write to us, just explain everything you can about your complaint, we'll prepare a correct complaint format (With a very small fee) using your details and you only need to print the document and then submit to court that's it. Simply visit the page - make instant payment and submit your details. You'll then receive an update from us right away with your document format. 
For any further assistance, E-mail to us at - with the subject 'Consumer Court Complaint Format' and we'll help you out. 
We'll send you the whole complete document, you only need to take print outs, make 4-5 copies and submit to court. 

Get in touch today to learn more!!!
